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Parallel Tracks


Facilitation of Advanced Computing Infrastructure: practice and experience in acquiring, operating and sustaining advanced hardware, software, networks and services to securely and sustainably advance science, engineering, manufacturing, scholarship, public services, the arts, etc. Examples of relevant topics: funding and operating facilities, systems procurement, systems administration, cybersecurity, user support, building and sustaining partnerships among ACI providers, cost-effective use of cloud and shared HPC resources.


Applications of Advanced Computing Infrastructure: practice and experience in advancing science, engineering, manufacturing, scholarship, public services, the arts, etc., by leveraging advanced hardware, software, networks and services. Examples of relevant topics: computational methods used to achieve results and breakthroughs in one’s field; computational needs and requirements necessary to make progress in one’s field. 


Visualization and Data Analytics: practice and experience in analyzing and understanding data generated by simulation, measurement, digitization, etc. to advance science, engineering, manufacturing, scholarship, public services, the arts, etc. Examples of relevant methods: statistics, databases, deep learning, visualization, virtual reality, augmented reality. 


Workforce Development and Diversity: practice and experience in developing and sustaining a highly proficient workforce to advance science, engineering, manufacturing, scholarship, public services, the arts, etc., realizing the full potential of people in all demographic groups. Examples of relevant methods: ACI training, STEM and CS curriculum development, learning technologies, work with underserved communities, career and workplace experience optimization.

Questions? Contact Jeff Pummill at

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